Monday, May 7, 2012

Richie the Blogger-boy-wonder: Final Project! News 7 Softball Game

Richie the Blogger-boy-wonder: Final Project! News 7 Softball Game: Video using Avid Media Composer and ireport Slideshow using soundslides Video captured by Ryan Holmes Video editing by Bryan White and Richie Hansesn.
For our final project we originally decided to do a video/sideshow on skateboarding at all the local skate spots in this area. Richie made a Google map of the skate parks around here but we didn't end up filming that. We changed the topic of our project to the News 7 VS The Critic softball game because we know more people in news 7 and knew we could make a more interesting project. For the video Ryan Holmes filmed the game, Bryan White edited the video and recorded interviews with people from News 7 afterward's and edited it over the footage of the game. Richie Hansen created the sideshow, helped me interview people and edited the audio for the sideshow.

LSC News7 vs. Critic Softball

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I went fishing! Please click on the link above.

Of the many outdoor activities Vermont is proud of is fishing. 

There are many places and opportunities to fish in Vermont whether you chose to go to one of the giant lakes, or one of the thousands of tiny streams. There are always fish to be caught if one knows what they are doing.

However, nobody will get far without a fishing license. The state of Vermont requires that all people must have a legal fishing license in order to cast their line. If caught without a license by fish and wildlife, a sort of nature police, you can get stuck with hefty fines and lose your ability to obtain a permit for a number of years.

The repercussions of getting caught without a license may be steep, but getting one is not that hard. Pretty much any outdoors shop such as a gun shop, sports store, or town office supplies fishing licenses.  A few signatures, some paperwork and a small fee, somewhere between twenty and thirty dollars, and the license is yours. 

Just because you have your license now does not mean you can go rid the world of all underwater life.

There are stipulations and regulations that apply and many times their specific to what body of water you are fishing in. For example one lake may be catch and release only, another may only be fishable during certain months of the year, another may have size limits to what you can keep.

There are over fourteen fishable species in Vermont including trout, bass, and pike.

To learn more about Vermont’s outdoor activities visit and for some information about where some good spots to fish may be visit

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Day at News 7 write up

Lyndon State College is unlike any other college because of its intense hands-on Television program. News 7 is based on campus and is organized and run by the students themselves. This station operates almost exactly like a real news organization, broadcasting a newsbreak at three o’clock that tells viewers what to expect for the later half hour news show from 5:30pm to 6 o’clock Monday through Friday. There are many different aspects to working in the newsroom from reporters, field camera operators, anchors, a director, producer, and a team of behind the scenes students who help broadcast the show. Everyday reporters and cameramen/women find and go out on their own stories and leads that then get put on the evening broadcast either that very night or the following night. Once back they edit their footage and add voice-overs. After that the next step is setting up the newsroom. In the hour before the show the newsroom becomes frantic. Technical difficulties, timing issues, and conflicts all arise and must be fixed by the 5:30 deadline because ‘the show must go on.’ Besides all the stories being loaded into the data base and the ‘rundown’, basically the playbill, being rearranged there are a number of jobs that students occupy that are all essential for the show to run. ‘Behind the scenes’ jobs include audio, who sets the levels and brings the sound in and out during the show, ‘Playback’ who loads each video and plays it at the correct time, and the two camera operators who frame up each shot and move around the studio during the show. Each job is equally important and without one of them the show could not happen. News 7 covers the surrounding towns of the Northeast Kingdom and has an impact of the people who tune in. As a rule of thumb the stories we cover cannot be about Lyndon State itself unless it has a big enough impact on the greater community. This is because the majority of the statistical population that watches the broadcast is the elderly non-college community. We cater to stories that affect their lives such as town meetings in other towns that may result in changes that they may not have heard about otherwise. Anyone who watches the show can critique what they have seen online, and many people do. Lyndon State has received many awards due to our television program. About 90% of students who graduate from Lyndon State College through the Television program get jobs right out of college, many of which are spread out throughout the United States. Audio: Ryan Holmes Pictures and Soundslides: Bryan White Write up: Richie Hansen

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

For my group’s second slide show, were going to make a presentation about what goes on during a day at news 7. My idea is to get pictures of things going on throughout the day and put them in a sequence from the start of the day to the end of the show. For instance maybe start with pictures of photographers setting up a camera when they first get to the news station or reporters making phone calls and looking for a story. Next film the photographer and reporter out on the story or coming back from a story. Then show them editing the video and writing the story to the point where its ready to air. Next take pictures of the staff rushing around at 5 o'clock getting ready for the show and making sure everything is set up right. We can film the sophomore practicum students setting up cameras and audio along with any other jobs taking place right before 5:30. Then film what goes on backstage in the control room during the show. We could end with pictures of the after-show group meeting in the newsroom or the rush of students leaving at the end of the day.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Floor Hockey Slideshow

The LSCIHL aka the Lyndon State College Intramural Hockey League. For many people they have never had the chance to play the game of hockey on a organized team, the LSCIHL gives people just that chance to play.
The league consists of only allowing 4 experienced hockey players with high school hockey background or higher. The rest of the players must be people who have not had any prior hockey experience or background. This adds a competitive spirit to the league. The players who have experience must play with players that are new to the game. And the new players must adapt quickly.
 We notice the experienced hockey players act as leaders and help teach their newly adapting teammates to the game. The new players learn fast and quickly become competitors amongst other per's. To many, league seems very balance of how the teams are set up and its fun watching a bunch of people just having fun.
We attended one of the floor hockey games to see the final outcome between two powerhouse teams,ROOOF(Red/White/Blue) vs team Whale Pack (Green /Blue) face-off against each other last Tuesday night.
Rooof started off with a bang scoring two goals in the first period. Rooof scored their third unanswered goal early in the second, but than the Whale pack answered back with two quick goals to bring the score within one. But than Rooof decided to score twice more, than the Whale pack was able to slip one more goal by before the end of the second.
With a score 5-3 going into the third, after some arguments of officiating and calls, both teams were unable to score as Rooof once again remains the most undefeated team in regular seasons in LSCIHL History.
What is it that keeps players so interested and so motivated to play a game of street hockey?  Some people believe that it is the level of competition amongst the teams. Some players are just trying something new and challenging, and most players are just trying to have fun.
A lot of the teams in the LSCIHL are a group of friends that all share one thing in common, the love for the game of hockey. During the game confrontations may occur, but once the buzzer sounds everyone shows sportsmanship by shaking hands, laughing and congratulating each other about the game, and eager to play each other once again every next Tuesday or Sunday night.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Here is Very moving slide-show about the Genocide going on in the Congo's of Africa. Really makes me wonder how a country can allow this to happen. The Only thing that I would have like to hear along with the sideshow is some interviews or perhaps some natural sounds. Natural sounds brings me to the location, makes you feel surrounded by the environment around. Also not very much information about the Genocide, but in this case pictures does say a thousand words. To learn more go to

 If Video Does not work CLICK HERE

Monday, March 5, 2012

The LSCIHL aka the Lyndon State College Intramural Hockey League. I plan on interviewing Uriah Brahmas who is handling the scheduling for the league, and perhaps Mike Desmond the new floor hockey manger. Also I may catch a few players on their way out after a game and ask why they are so interested in the new floor hockey league. For many people they have never had the chance to play the game of hockey on a organized team, the LSCIHL gives people just that chance to play. The league consists of only allowing 4 Experienced hockey players with High school Hockey background or high. The rest of the players must be people who have not had any hockey background. This adds a competitive spirit to the league. The players who have experience must play with players that are new to the game. We notice the experienced hockey players act as leaders and help teach their newly adapting teammates to the game. The new players learn fast and quickly become competitors amongst other pers. I would say the league seems very balance of how the teams are set up and its fun watching a bunch of people just having fun. Most of the teams have all formed because of friendships. Friends come together to sweat and sacrifice just for the title of a Intramurals Semester Championship.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Justice Holmes Podcast

Justice Holmes Podcast

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012





This touches base upon issues the new digital media causes for people now of days. From Web Pages such as Facebook and Emails how conflicts can arise amongst friends, family, and co-workers. How privacy issues can cause discomfort and un-security for some people. But also how facebook and emails can bring people together, for instance when someone passes away, the internet can be a "healing brace". The Internet can allow people to post messages for ones they have lost. Which I think is most important for the internet to provide a source of communication. But Perhaps the internet need to think of some ways to tighten up privacy security.

A New Weapon Against Nukes

I found this Podcast Interesting because Nukes scare the crap out of me. Thank god for social media sites such as Twitter that just may save our life, also the technology upgrades of smartphones. Rose Gottemoeller the secretary of state for arms control is looking for new ways for forces to use social media communications for Nuclear weaponry intel. The problem may be how private will this technology be considering the fact it may be carrying the most top secret and important information our country possesses, information to our Nuclear physicality. I know....scary isnt it?

UC Students Propose Alternative To Tuition Increases


This Screamed "Justice" to me, like many students, we are all concerned about the cost of tuition increasing. Chris LoCascio of University of California has the same concern proposing "instead of charging students upfront for their education, students would attend the UC with no upfront costs whatsoever"? Apparently this wasn't the first time a purposal such as this came up,  but politicians have done nothing about it since the 1950's.


Blog Critique

 Tim Thomas, the starting goalie of the 2011 Stanly Cup Champions Boston Bruins, deiced not to join his teammates as they paid a visit to the White House this Monday.

Later that day, Thomas posted a statement about his decision on his Facebook page.

“I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People.
This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government.
Because I believe this, today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL. This is the only public statement I will be making on this topic. TT"

  I like this blog website recently because it follows Tim Thomas, a goalie I grew watching play for UVM Hockey. Recently, Tim has been stirring up a lot about his opinions on his Facebook page. He has very strong opinions about the way he thinks his country is run and has very strong religious views. I cant say that I believe in everything Thomas says, but I do agree with the fact that he as an American has the freedom to exercise his Freedom of speech. Thomas is doing what I think a lot of people with so much public have the courage to express themselves on such a large stage. 

Tim Thomas Lets Justice Ring!!

-Ryan "Justice" Holmes



Thomas posted the following on his facebook page.
I Stand with the Catholics in the fight for Religious Freedom.

‘In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.’
– by Martin Niemöller, prominent German anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor, best known as the author of the poem First they came….